Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Branching out....

So my boss had a birthday recently. I thought it would be fun to cover his office in streamers and fill it with huge balloons.... so I talked my co-workers into it and on we went!

What's a birthday celebration without cake though? Rather than make a cake, I thought cupcakes would hold up on my crazy long commute better. My boss and I share a love for Ricky Martin and he loves Cher so we printed off teeny images of them and used them as toppers. HILARIOUS! Ok... maybe I was the only one that thought so... it was a lot of fun to do though and I hope we were able to make his day a special one.

On to the cupcakes! Blue champagne cupcakes with champagne icing covered in blue crystals.

About a month later, I was approached by co-workers to make a cake for our other boss. She was turning the big 3-0 and we needed a way to make sure we celebrated. How did we do that? See cake below.

Umm.... don't ask. She LOVED it. Enough said. ;-) Cherry cake with chocolate buttercream icing. Eyes and teeth were made of fondant. Nose and dots on the eyes was gel icing.

1 comment:

  1. This was the most amazing cake I have ever had! It made my day:) You are quite the talented baker, Michelle!
